The mystery of life

There are people in this world that question. I am one among many. It is the IB way… Yes, this is the program I teach: International Baccalaureate Visual Arts. Do you think and question? Do you ponder, then go out and create by writing, drawing, making music, figuring out mathematical equations or scientific problems? It is about what makes you tick. It’s not about taking some ones idea and copying it, or taking a photo and griding it or even blowing it up on an opaque projector to create art. It is having a vision and documenting your ideas in a notebook, like Leonardo da Vinci then taking your idea and manifesting it into something real, tangible and of value. I have been doing this for almost a year via a blog and an investigation journal. I think, dream, have visions, then draw, write, list and compare what I have thought over time. Reread and rethink. It is learning to adjust to life and what it throws you. Listening to John Mayer and a CD he recording in 2009 called Battle Studies, inspires me. The entire CD is about heartbreak, love and suffering. Interesting collection of songs, seems he may have endured the pain of love and loss to write such ballads. He is a person with a question and trying to find an answer through song.

Interesting how music and art walk hand in hand. My music producer friend Rich Patz from Houston told me years ago, he could hear melody’s in his head then just play them, that is how he created and wrote songs. I had a few melody’s, but not knowing music composition I could not write them down. I have visions of completed art compositions and have awoke to create them as I saw them in my dreams. I had one before my daughter Sam was born. It was a picture showing a future art conte drawing with Randy, Casey, Andy and Sam. I waited till she was born and old enough to pose her the way I saw her in my dream.and then created the composition. Randy has big eyes and looks shy, Casey has a silly giggle, and Sam on her tummy with a sweet smile. It is one of my favorite drawings with all four children and a stuffed monkey Andy had to hold. The monkey has become an interesting visual about Andy. Now in China I found his zodiac sign is the monkey, which fits him well. The last few days of his life, his girl friends brought him a huge monkey to cheer him up. Just a nice reminder of how images weave through life.

My friend Chris Reynolds says she is jealous of me coming in China and others say how brave I am. It’s not about my bravery but how I am questioning my life and trying to find the answer. Maybe there is no answer, maybe it is just the journey. Never finding the answer just always on the quest. “The mystery of life” as Peter Smith would say.